For 50 years, we have been dedicated to nurturing the talents of children and youth in Hamilton and offering them a platform to learn more about themselves and thrive. Our commitment to musical excellence and community engagement remains unwavering.
Earlier this year, our team focused on the future of HCC while crafting our next strategic plan. In doing so, we have reaffirmed the importance of prioritizing equity as one of our core values and as part of this dedication, we actively strive to eliminate any barriers preventing participation. We believe that every child should have the chance to participate in HCC regardless of their financial situation, ensuring that the choir remains representative of our community.
This season, 1 in 4 of our singers require financial assistance.
It is no surprise to us that the need for our Financial Award program has increased over the past few years, with 25% of singers requiring funding to participate in HCC this season. According to recent findings by Statistics Canada, nearly half of Canadians aged 35-44 found it difficult to meet their financial needs in the past year, the prime demographic of many of the parents and guardians of our young singers. These statistics highlight the critical importance of our role in ensuring that every young voice, regardless of their financial circumstances, can experience the transformative power of music.
The success of our Financial Award program is owed primarily to the incredible generosity of donors like you. By contributing to our Financial Award program, you can directly impact the lives of young people in Hamilton by investing in the next generation of artists and leaders in our community.
There are many ways to give, such as through a one-time or recurring monthly donation, or corporate sponsorship.
Together, we can ensure that no child’s voice is ever silenced by financial constraints.
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I feel so honoured to be a chorister with the HCC. It has opened up my learning capabilities and allowed me to express myself artistically in an amazing environment.
Ashley Carpenter, Alumna
I credit being part of the choir assisting me in my career path, giving me confidence in front of groups of people and giving me the ability to be successful and grow quickly in my roles.
Sarah Davis, Alumna
What the HCC does best is give people who are feeling like they don’t belong a place to express themselves, and as a young artist… that’s truly invaluable.
Alyssa LeClair, Alumna
Through the HCC, I’ve made so many strong friendships and advanced musically to a level I never thought I could. The HCC is a safe learning environment in which choristers and director learn more than just music, which is brought together by a common goal.
Nathan Fledderus, Chorister
The ways in which my years as part of the HCC have affected my life and who I am today are too manifold to count. HCC was the most influential experience of my teenage years and I am incredibly grateful for it.
Ardra Shephard, Alumna
There’s a perfect balance of discipline, work ethic, fun, and creativity that’s encouraged within this group. You learn how to pull together as a team: both musically and intellectually. You succeed alongside one another. You encourage each other’s highs and are there for one another for the lows. You literally learn how to breathe together: what could be more magical than that?
Erica Charles, Alumna
When I joined the HCC, suddenly there was a whole room of people who felt the exact same way I did when I was singing.
Sophia Brohman, Chorister